Clinical Epidemiologist:
As a Clinical Epidemiologist (MSc/Ph.D.) with a completed Master’s degree from the University of Amsterdam (NL), Faculty of Medicine. I’ve also had the opportunity to further develop my competencies with my Ph.D.c research at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), focusing on perioperative care for patients with obesity, which I hope to complete in 2024, and currently undertaking post-master training as a Data Scientist at Harvard University (USA), Torensma Research Consultancy is equipped with comprehensive expertise to meet your needs.
Our areas of proficiency include:
Concepts and designs of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP),
Elementary biostatistics,
Advanced EBP Systematic Review / Clinical Guidelines,
Advanced biostatistics, epidemiology, and clinimetrics,
Health economics, and evaluation of healthcare policy.
Data scientist:
Using the tidyverse suite and data.table in R, we have employed packages like ggplot2 and plotly for data visualization, and tools such as dplyr, tidyr, magrittr, readr, purrr, stringr, forcats, lubridate, and tibble for various data manipulation tasks.
Proficiency with essential tools for practicing data scientists such as Unix/Linux, git and GitHub, and RStudio,
Implementation of machine learning algorithms and dashboard building
Comprehensive knowledge of fundamental data science concepts.